Recognizing the owner’s name as a great branding opportunity helped bring this project to life for a new, organic-based pest control company.
 A series of retail event icons designed to bring a fresh, whimsical energy to each holiday.   Logo Design
 A logo for a unique home furnishings retailer.   Logo Design
 I helped guide a local real estate firm through a naming exploration and rebranding initiative.   Creative Consultant, Logo Design
 I like beer. So when the Southeastern Home Brewers inquired about a new logo I was more than happy to oblige.   Logo Design
 A logo for a regional creative agency.     Logo Design
 A logo for a crowd-sourced creative shop.   Logo Design
 A logo for Barracuda Fiberglass     Logo Design
 A logo for a local recycling art studio.   Logo Design
 Ideas can be dangerous. This poster brings that to life.   Design/Illustration
 Where will you be when our robot overlords return?   Design/Illustration
 An idea and poster for a workshop promoting transparency between clients and agency side creatives. Resulting in a better understanding from each of how the other side operates.   Concept, Design
 A fun little poster created to help build support for a local farmer's market and community square.
 I started out as a photo retoucher. Here's a fun composition I created as part of a larger campaign focused on small business finance.   Photo Retouching
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